ADHD: Test
Do you suspect your child might have ADHD? This test helps you with an initial assessment. You will be asked about signs of ADHD and possibly concomitant (comorbid) disorders. The test is based on the established screening sheet for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD sheet).*
The test comprises eleven questions. The first six questions cover possible signs of ADHD. Among others, key symptoms are queried (motor restlessness, impulsiveness and inattentiveness).
Questions seven to eleven relate to concomitant (comorbid) problems, such as aggressive behaviour, anxieties or developmental disorders which may occur with ADHD.
* Authors: Döpfner M. & Lehmkuhl G. (2001)
How correct are the following descriptions?
My child is very restless, fidgety or hyperactive. He/she shows restlessness which is very difficult to control.
In the family In preschool/in school - Not at all
- Somewhat
- Largely
- Particularly
- Not at all
- Somewhat
- Largely
- Particularly
How correct are the following descriptions?
My child is very impulsive, e.g. finds it difficult to wait or interrupts others frequently or acts without thinking.
In the family In preschool/in school - Not at all
- Somewhat
- Largely
- Particularly
- Not at all
- Somewhat
- Largely
- Particularly
How correct are the following descriptions?
My child is very inattentive or distractable or does not complete things already started.
In the family In preschool/in school - Not at all
- Somewhat
- Largely
- Particularly
- Not at all
- Somewhat
- Largely
- Particularly
Did these problems begin at the latest shortly after enrolment in school?
- No
- Yes
Are these problems overall very burdensome?
- No
- Yes
Do these problems have a negative effect on your child (e.g. his/her academic achievement, relationships with others)?
- No
- Yes
Your child does not listen, shows aggressive behaviour or throws temper tantrums.
- No
- Yes
Your child has achievement problems in school (e.g. bad grades) or delays in development (e.g. speaking, painting or playing).
- No
- Yes
Your child frequently seems afraid or uncertain, has little confidence in him/herself or cries a lot.
- No
- Yes
Your child seems sad most of the time, can hardly enjoy him/herself or withdraws from others.
- No
- Yes
Your child has hardly any friends or is not liked by others or is excluded.
- No
- Yes